7 Personal Finance Books to Heal Your Relationship with Money

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Money isn’t something we often talk about. It can be an uncomfortable topic, like sex, religion, or politics. But the more time we spend discussing these topics, the more comfortable they become. Let me say that again…The more time we spend discussing these topics, the more comfortable they become.

 I’m saying this not only for you as the reader, but for myself because it’s not something I often discuss, either. Before I dive in any further, let’s take a quick moment to pause and reflect.

I encourage you to not only read the following questions, but to put pen to paper and jot down some thoughts.

●       What is financial health?

●       Am I financially healthy?

●       Am I a spender or saver?

●       Am I underearning?

●       Do I have a spending plan?

●       Am I allowed to make a lot of money?

●       What are my financial goals?


Over the years, I’ve spent time reading a lot of financial books. After reflecting back on all those I’ve read, the following 7 books have had the greatest impact. They’ve completely transformed my relationship with money.

Each book has taught me to take a hard look at my beliefs around money, including my money wounds, generosity, charging what I’m worth, paying off debt, saving, and investing.

If you want to build a better relationship with money, but you’re not sure where to start, pick up one of these books. The simple act of reading a financial book is setting the intention to learn more and start making changes.


1. You’re a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
Written by the #1 New York Times bestselling author, Jen Sincero, You’re a Badass at Making Money is an in-depth guide with clear actionable steps to help you overcome any blocks, push past your anxieties and start making serious money. Written in the same inimitable sass and down-to-earth humor as her other books, this financial key is perfect for anyone who knows they want to make big changes, but they don’t know where to begin.

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2. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
A straightforward game plan for completely revamping your relationship with money, the Total Money Makeover empowers you to design a plan to pay off all your debts, recognize dangerous money myths and start saving. Written by America’s favorite finance coach, Dave Ramsey, the advice in the book is based on tried-and-tested methods guaranteed to get you real results.


3. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Based on what the rich teach their kids about money that poor and middle class parents don’t, Rich Dad Poor Dad explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich. Known as the #1 personal finance book of all time, this guide helps you better understand the value of assets and how to pass on essential info to your kids to secure their financial futures.


4. You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham
A carefully thought-out budget can help you set financial goals, improve cash flow and ensure you can handle any unexpected expenses. In You Need a Budget, Jesse Mecham uses his proven method to help you put together your own budget to experience a life free from financial stress.

 There’s also a You Need a Budget app. I use the app all the time and I absolutely love it! Click here to try it for free for 34 days.


5. Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry
The beginner’s guide to leveling-up your money through investing, Broke Millennial is the perfect book for anyone who wants to start investing, but thinks they aren’t ready (or rich enough) to get started today. In the second book of the series, Erin Lowry answers all the most common questions about investments, turning even the most anxious newbie into a confident player in the market.


6. The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
The Soul of Money explains how looking hard at our attitudes toward money (how we earn it, spend it, and give it away) can reveal surprising insights into our lives, which is something I’m really behind. Through practical advice and personal stories, Lynne Twist shows us how examining our relationship with money and assessing our core values can help us totally reconstruct our lives.


7. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley Ph.D. and Sarah Stanley Fallaw Ph.D
Another bestselling finance book, The Millionaire Next Door describes the 7 common traits which appear again and again in people who are successful financially. It proves that anyone with a steady job can save a tidy fortune and live stress-free — not just celebrities living in Beverly Hills. The original book was written in the 90s, but the modern version includes a preface proving the content still applies today.

Following the pandemic, money is something a lot of us are struggling with right now. But no matter how much or how little you have, you can always improve your situation and live a happier, more comfortable life without money worries.

 If you’re not happy with your current relationship with money, change it! Take the first step by reading one of the books above and you’ll discover that it’s easier to get started than you thought. Turn the first page today and this time next year you’ll be so happy you did.

As a health coach, I support my clients in all different aspects of their lives, from health, fitness, and nutrition to relationships, self-care, and money. If you want more guidance and support while you work on building a healthier, happier relationship with your finances, I’m here for you.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re not earning as much as you think you could be, you’re spending much more than you can afford or you want to start saving for the future, I can get you started on the road to financial freedom. Book a free consultation call with me and we’ll get going.
