11 Steps to Creating the Perfect Boho Chic Bookshelves

11 Steps to Creating the Perfect Boho Chic Bookshelves.png

If you’ve been following along recently, you’ll know I’ve been decorating my flat. One part that was in serious need of a facelift was my bookshelves. 

About 2 weeks ago, I was so frustrated with my bookshelves because I had no idea what I was doing. They just looked cluttered, unorganized, and uninspiring. Because the shelves are built in and are a very awkward shape, I found them challenging to work with.

 At one point, I actually reached out to an interior designer for a consult because I didn’t know where to begin. Then I took a step back and paused. I took a new approach, not only thinking about what I wanted my space to look like, but how I wanted to feel in my space, too.

 I started reading, researching and spending time on Pinterest. I began pinning photos that I was drawn to and discovered there was definitely a theme emerging. My décor style has earthy tones, white shades, various textures, and plants. My décor style was clearly boho chic. 

When it was time to style my bookshelves, knowing that I loved the boho chic style and found it inspirational was a great help.

 Full transparency here: I am not an interior decorator. But after some research, I learned that most designers follow a formula, almost like an algebra equation, but for décor. The more I read and the more I watched, the more I was convinced that the secret to interior decorating is to follow an 11-step formula. 

As soon as I implemented the steps, I was confident they worked and just had to share them with you. The next time you’re planning on redecorating your bookshelves, follow these 11 tips and you’ll create a space filled with beauty.

1.     Décor Style: Pick your style first. If you don’t know what your style is, head on over to Pinterest and find décor photos that inspire you. Think about what you’re drawn to and look for themes in the photos you pin. If you’re looking for boho chic inspiration, take a look at my Pinterest board.

2.     Colors: I love that there are no color rules for bohemian decorating. However, boho tends to lean towards earthy tones, metallics, and jewel hues. Since I decided on boho chic, the colors I chose were: white, green (think plants), brown (wood + baskets), tan, and black. I recommend deciding on a palette of 4-5 colors. Feel free to throw in some patterns for pops of color. I also highly recommend adding textures in the form of baskets or fabrics.

3.     Clear and Clean Your Shelves: Physically remove everything from your shelves and give them a really good clean to prep the space before styling. I like to physically stand in front of a space and visualize what I want it to look like before I begin styling.  

4.     Gather Items: Next, gather the items you want to use for styling. Remember, you don’t have to go to the store to purchase new things. Take a walk around your home and see which items bring you happiness and joy, as well as which items you want to display and anything functional that needs to be there. Don’t forget to keep your décor style in mind when choosing. I gathered items that made me happy, as well as mementos from my travels. I also included functional items, such as baskets for matches and lighters, as well as baskets for my sage and palo santo. I also included a purse I bought in Cambodia because I use it all the time. I purchased some frames, baskets, plants and beads to complete the look. I’ve linked everything below if you want to check them out. I gave a lot of thought to what I wanted to put in my newly-purchased frames, choosing pictures heavy with personal meaning and of things I believed in. 

5.     Plants: Plants are your friends. Maybe you don’t have a green thumb — that’s ok. Take a look at my indoor plant guide for beginners. It’s a great place to get started. Plants will literally change the energy of any space. Try starting with just a single plant and see where it takes you. If your shelves go quite high like mine, I recommend getting a hanging plant you can place on one of the top shelves. I bought a hanging plant, cut off the hooks, and placed it in a basket with a plastic liner. I’m going to be super honest: I bought a fake plant for my shelves. Your plants don’t have to be real!

6.     Place Large Objects: It’s important to place large objects first and at the bottom of your shelves for safety. Set lighter items you’ll rarely need on the higher shelves. I placed a black and white print from Shanghai and a hanging plant in a basket on my highest shelf. On the lowest shelf, I placed a large basket with throw blankets. I love curling up a blanket for a movie or when I’m working at my desk, so I wanted them within reach.

7.     Group Items in Odd Numbers: Ignore the saying, “Three’s a crowd” because when it comes to decorating, three is the perfect number. Try and group your objects in odd numbers as much as possible for the best results. If you are feeling called to style items in even numbers that works too. There are no rules.

8.     Think About Dimension: You can create dimension by placing some objects toward the front, some in the middle, and some toward the back. Having a variety of plants, baskets, and frames is a great way to achieve this. These items also create a variety of heights. If your shelves have a lot of vertical height like mine, think about adding a plant that has some height. Or you can stack books in a group of 3 then place a frame or plant on top of the books. If your books are colorful and you want color on your shelves, great! If your books are colourful and you don’t want color, flip them around so you’re displaying the pages instead of the colorful spine.

9.     Triangles are Your Friend: Triangles have 3 points and you want your eyes to follow the shape of a triangle when looking at your shelves. With each point, you want to see a similar object. Looking at these photos, you can see a triangle of frames and a triangle of plants.

10.   Less is More: Initially you may want to place ALL your books and items on your shelves. Remember: less is more. Having a cluttered space clutters your mind, making you less productive. My shelves feel a bit cluttered to me and, more than likely, some of the items that you see here will be put away or moved to other shelves in my home. You can always rotate your treasures that you love the most. Think about a store window and how it changes to keep things fresh. You can do the same with your shelves, changing the energy of your space.

11.   Have Fun and Edit: Have fun when decorating and styling your shelves. Turn on some music, do a little dance and enjoy yourself. Keep in mind that the décor items on your shelves can be changed at any time. I quickly found that I wanted to move some things around for better functionality and so I did. I also moved things around so many times before settling on this final display. I tried various groupings and placed items on different shelves until it worked.

I hope you learned a thing or two from my bookshelf styling guide. I have more bookshelves adjacent to my desk that I will also be styling this spring. I love to help you in any way I can, so comment below if you want to read a post from me on styling the shelves by my desk.

Do you have any must-know styling tips? Share them in a comment so I can benefit from them when I renovate my desk shelves. 
