Exactly How I Paid Off $20k of Debt in 7 Months

Exactly How I Paid Off $20k of Debt in 7 Months

Confession time: I have credit card debt. Part of me has been putting off publishing this post until I’ve fully finished paying off my debt. I think it’s the perfectionist in me who wants to say, “I’m debt-free and this is how I did it!”, while having everything wrapped up in a pretty box with a neat little bow.

But the perfect time very rarely, if ever, rolls around. So instead, I’m here to say,

I’m on my debt-free journey.

I’ve paid off $20,000 of debt in 6 months. Happy dance! As with all things in life, paying off debt isn’t about doing things perfectly, but there’s value to be found in showing up perfectly imperfect. And it’s always more fun to have friends along on the journey, so thank you so much for being there for me.

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