Why it’s Okay to Be Alone on Valentine’s Day

Why it’s Okay to Be Alone on Valentine’s Day

Spending Valentine’s Day alone? It’s easy to feel like you’re the only person in the world not celebrating the holiday with someone special. Social media and society are guilty of making us feel like there’s something wrong with us when we’re not in a romantic relationship, especially on Valentine’s Day. Or any holiday for that matter.

Before I go any further, I want to say that there’s a BIG misconception that being alone means you’re lonely. Alone and lonely are two very different states.

Being alone means you’re content with solitude, you feel happy, and connected to others. Loneliness means you’re longing for company, feeling sad, and disconnected from others.

The thing that fascinates me the most is that you can be alone and not feel lonely and you can be surrounded by many people, yet still feel very lonely.

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Here’s to Living Intentionally in 2021!

Here’s to Living Intentionally in 2021!

For as long as I can remember, my New Year’s ritual has been to carve out time with my best friend in California and spend it journaling our resolutions for the year ahead. While sipping on tea, we jot down our ideas, sharing our dreams and hopes for the year to come. We set goals for health, relationships, spirituality, finances, careers, etc.

I really love this tradition because we’ve created a safe space where we can share absolutely anything we’re thinking or feeling. Neither of us has to feel worried about being made fun of for speaking our mind because that just doesn’t happen.

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10 Sleep Essentials for the Best Night’s Sleep

10 Sleep Essentials for the Best Night’s Sleep

Sleep is absolutely integral to your physical, mental and emotional health. How many times have you had a bad night’s sleep then suffered from headaches, mental fuzziness or a bad mood the next day? Wouldn’t it be great if you could lay your head on your pillow, knowing you were in for eight enchanted hours of uninterrupted sleep?

While that idea might sound much more of a dream than reality, it doesn’t have to be. You can improve your sleep this very night by developing a personalized sleep ritual. But you don’t have to stop there. There are so many amazing products that have been tested and developed for years to help you fall asleep faster and get the quality rest you need to be your best.

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7 Sleep Rituals to Help You Relax and Sleep Better

7 Sleep Rituals to Help You Relax and Sleep Better

There are some people who can function on only 4-6 hours of sleep each night and there are some people who need at least 8 hours to function as a human being. I’m the latter.

Sleep is the foundation of health. When you get enough quality sleep, your body rewards you for it and you feel great. But when you don’t get as much sleep as you need or you’re tossing and turning all night, your body lets you know about it and you feel rough.

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7 Bad Sleep Habits to Ditch Tonight

 7 Bad Sleep Habits to Ditch Tonight

We’ve all been there: lying awake in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, unable to drop off to sleep no matter what we try. Maybe the reason you can’t sleep is because you’ve got thoughts racing around your head. Or perhaps your neighbors are making so much noise that it’s impossible to nod off. (Been there, done that. I definitely don’t miss those days!)

Stress could be the reason behind your inability to fall asleep. From work stress and family stress to financial stress and health stress, there are so many different kinds of worries that can keep us awake at night. I’m sure many of us have recently spent sleepless nights tossing and turning because there’s so much uncertainty in the current world.

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