Say “Hello Spring!” with these 5 Fresh Decor Ideas

Spring is one of my favorite times of year because it means that winter is behind us and summer is just around the corner. The transformation into this bright and sunny season makes it the perfect time to freshen up your home décor.

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Here are 5 easy ways you can incorporate a touch of spring into your living space. Remember: you don’t have to spend a lot of money to redecorate your home. When it comes to decorating, less is more and even the smallest changes can add a fresh look to your space.

1.     Pops of Color

My current décor style is boho chic, so I’ve chosen to add a few bursts of yellow and some natural hues. My home’s main color palette will remain neutral and I’m sticking with a more minimalist style.

If you want to add spring colors into your home, choose robin's egg blue, soft pink, or lemon yellow. A great way to incorporate these into your décor is by adding pillows, blankets, flowers, rugs, and plants.

My favorite technique to add a pop of color is to drape a throw blanket over my desk chair or bed. It’s simple, but it works perfectly.

2.     Bring Nature Inside

Bringing nature inside doesn’t have to mean adding real plants and flowers to your home. I totally get that not everyone has a green thumb. (If you want to get into owning houseplants but you don’t know where to begin, you’ll love this post.) But if you’re not quite ready to create a real urban jungle, remember your plants and flowers can be faux — there are no rules when it comes to decorating.

I love decorating my home with fresh greens all-year-round, but I go all-out in spring. When bringing nature inside, I prefer using natural pieces like oversized stems with small buds or eucalyptus leaves in a clear or natural colored vase. With these types of décor items, you really only need a few pieces to make a bold statement.

3.     Art

I’ve really been enjoying adding art to my home. Artwork is so versatile and can come in many forms: a printed quote, handwritten note, framed photo of loved ones, watercolor from a friend…the choices are endless.

A framed piece of art on the wall instantly changes the look and feel of any space.Here are some of my favorites right now.

4.     Scents

One thing hardly anyone thinks about when décorating their home is the sense of smell. But a carefully-chosen scent is something that has the power to completely change a space.

My favorite ways to bring scents into my home are with a candle, room spray, or with a diffuser. By adding a wonderful aroma to a room, you can transport everyone who enters it to a deserted beach, tropical rainforest or remote mountain top. Because scents are so affordable and temporary, you can also change them up regularly to suit your mood or the atmosphere you want to create.

Here are some scents I’ve fallen in love with.

5. Incorporate Texture
One of my favorite things to do when redecorating is to introduce different textures to a space. There are so many different ways to do this, but I prefer incorporating texture through fabrics, baskets, and rugs.

Another great way to add texture to a space is by stacking objects on top of or in front of other objects. If you’re not sure what I mean, take a look on this post which explains how to make the perfect boho bookshelves.

Adding different textures instantly makes any space more visually interesting and put together. Here are some of my favorite goodies for incorporating texture into a room.

Making your home look like it was pulled straight from an interior design magazine doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive or long-winded. By being thoughtful about your process and adding a few carefully-selected pieces, you can make any room look like it was professionally put together.

 Redecorating your home according to the season is a great way to give your personal space a new lease of life. And after everything we’ve all been through over the past months, a fresh outlook would do us all good! 
